vasthu dowser for negivive & positive energy finder

How to use the dowser:
             To measure the aura of the person:
Ø First step is to see the photo no.1 and the position of both the persons.
Ø Switch on the dowser. When you switch on the music starts.Stand like a person who has the dowser in his    hand (if you are going to measure the aura of another person).
Ø Hold the dowser as shown in the photo and make sure that the dowser is straight, stable and not moving. 
Ø  After holding the dowser in right position, take a deep breath and get relaxed.
Ø Then give the command to dowser to measure the aura of the person standing in front of the dowser.
Ø Then go back slowly as shown in the photo no.2.
Ø Go back until the dowser moved in the opposite side and the music stopped.
Ø  Stay there where the music stopped and measure the distance between both the persons.
Ø The distance is the measurement of the aura of the particular person.
Ø Generally the size of the aura of common person is about two and half or three and half meters. 


  1. How to use the dowsure:
    1. To measure the aura of the person:
     First step is to see the photo no.1 and the position of both the persons.
     Switch on the drowsure. When you switch on the music starts.
     Stand like a person who has the drowsure in his hand (if you are going to measure the aura of another person).
     Hold the drowsure as shown in the photo and make sure that the drowsure is straight, stable and not moving.
     After holding the drowsure in right position, take a deep breath and get relaxed.
     Then give the command to drowsure to measure the aura of the person standing in front of the drowsure.
     Then go back slowly as shown in the photo no.2.
     Go back until the drowsure moved in the opposite side and the music stopped.
     Stay there where the music stopped and measure the distance between both the persons.
     The distance is the measurement of the aura of the particular person.
     Generally the size of the aura of common person is about two and half or three and half meters.


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